
Ernesto Moralez

Assistant Professor of Public Health

About Me

Dr. Ernesto Moralez, an esteemed Assistant Professor of Public Health, Certified Health Education Specialist, and a dedicated researcher, has emerged as a key figure in public health education. His upbringing in New Mexico instilled a tenacity and commitment to learning, driving him to achieve remarkable success in the public health sector.

His background, deeply rooted in Albuquerque, New Mexico, paints a picture of a life shaped by diverse cultural and familial influences. He grew up as the proud son of a Mexican immigrant mother who settled in El Paso, Texas, and a father who, raised in the Mesilla Valley farmland, graduated from San Jose State University with a degree in Social Work. These multifaceted family dynamics significantly influenced his professional motivations and personal virtues.

His educational odyssey began at Albuquerque Technical Institute, now Central New Mexico Community College, marking the start of his lifelong pursuit of knowledge. He moved to New York City to attend Hunter College with an initial interest in Sociology. However, an "Introduction to Epidemiology" class at New Mexico State University sparked his interest in public health, leading to a Bachelor's degree in Human and Community Services in 2007.

He transitioned smoothly into NMSU's graduate program, showcasing his unwavering commitment to public health. In 2009, he earned his Master's in Public Health. During this time, Dr. Ernesto Moralez also served as a summer intern at the Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center, an experience that significantly contributed to his graduate thesis. His educational journey culminated in 2015 with a Ph.D. in Health and Behavioral Science from the University of Colorado-Denver, a milestone that attests to his hard work and determination.

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Ernesto Moralez

Recent News

Ernesto Moralez
June 8, 2024

From Collaboration to Impact: The HDFE Approach in Community Health Transformation

In our quest for healthier communities, traditional approaches to health transformation often need to be revised to address the root causes of disparities and inequities. However, a paradigm shift is underway with the emergence of collaborative models like Health-focused Design for Equity (HDFE). This approach prioritizes collaboration, inclusivity, and empowerment to drive meaningful change in […]

Ernesto Moralez
May 9, 2024

Ernesto Moralez Describes Empowering Health Equity: The Revolutionary Journey of HDFE in Community Advocacy

In the landscape of public health, community health advocacy stands as a cornerstone for addressing disparities, fostering equity, and promoting well-being. Within this sphere, the journey of co-developing the Health Data for Everyone (HDFE) initiative emerges as a beacon of innovation, collaboration, and transformative change. In this comprehensive article, Ernesto Moralez delves into the profound […]

April 3, 2024

Bridging Communities to Build Health Equity: The Dynamic Evolution of HDFE

In the realm of public health, achieving equity requires innovative strategies that go beyond traditional approaches. Humanitarian Design for Health Equity (HDFE) represents a paradigm shift in community health advocacy, emphasizing collaboration, empathy, and inclusivity. Through the co-development of solutions with marginalized communities, HDFE seeks to address systemic disparities and create sustainable change. This article […]

Ernesto Moralez- Population Health and Education
March 4, 2024

Expanding Horizons: Ernesto Moralez’s Exploring the Intersection of Population Health and Education

Population health and education have long been recognized as vital components of societal well-being. Individually, they shape the quality of life and opportunities available to people. However, recent research and initiatives have increasingly highlighted the interconnectedness of these domains. Understanding the intersection of population health and education presents a profound opportunity to enhance outcomes. The […]

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